Colorado State House Resolution HJR16- 1013 passed unanimously declaring atrocities committed against Christians and other religious minorities to be, crimes against humanity and genocide. Colorado- April 12- 2016 @ 10:00 am denver time.

Dear supporters and people of good conscience who have been helping us all along the way in promoting the work of Awareness and Charity of the St Rafka Mission of Hope and Mercy: ThanThanks for all the help from all of you.Your efforts and cooperation and great engagement in the cause of saving Christianity in the Middle East and Lebanon is bringing great fruits: Colorado State House Resolution HJR16- 1013 passed unanimously declaring atrocities committed against Christians and other religious minorities to be, crimes against humanity and genocide. Colorado- April 12- 2016 @ 10:00 am denver time. 

The Resolution was sponsored and presented by joined bipartisan efforts of Rep. Joann Windholz and Rep. Paul Rosenthal.

The role of the Maronite Church’s ecumenical, humanitarian and inter faith efforts and initiatives were highly commanded, and Lebanon’s importance in Saving Christianity in the Middle East was clearly mentioned, and so was the need to support within their ecumenical and interfaith leading roles, their humanitarian Missions. The St Rafka Mission of Hope and Mercy Board were saluted by Rep. Windholz.

Fr Joe Daccache administrator of sts peter and paul Maronite mission in Simi Valley CA, and Fr Andre Mahanna, pastor of St Rafka Maronite Church were greeted officially by the speaker.

Fr Andre Mahanna opened the session at 9:00 am with the prayer.

When the resolution was being read, the entire house stood in awe and respect. It was an awesome commemorate moment of strength and consolation, of hope and concrete unity. When the resolution was presented for consideration it was passed unanimously, and unanimously it was sponsored by all joined house. When the Madame speaker declared the results, all representatives stood again and saluted the martyrs and clapped for about a minute.

I want to thank our bishops, archbishop Sam Aquila and Bishop Elias Zaidan, all the members of St Rafka mission of hope and mercy, mr Medved and all the supporters and hard workers on our board.

I want to thank the efforts of Mrs Beth Folsom and the evangelical and Catholic communities of denver Colorado for coming together in reason to achieve this noble task.

I want to thank IDC and the Knights of Columbus for their work in Washington DC and across the nation.

I want to thank all all all of our contributors for their time, talent and treasures that they have been sharing.

On May 5, I will be co-sharing in the National Day of Prayer at the Capitol of our State.

On May 20– 2016 we will join together God willing, in the celebration of the Second Annual Prayer Breakfast at St Rafka Tent, in Lakewood (We will notify you of possible place change). At this prayer we will share the thanksgiving to Almighty God for the work of the First Year and will announce our plans for next year work in here, in Lebanon and in the Middle East.

Keep up the good work all of you.

God bless you all.

Fr andre April 12- 2016


Here I the Test of the Prayer this Morning Session: 

Invocation At The Colorado State Legislators Session of Tuesday April 12, 2016 @ 9-00 am In The State Capitol, Downtown Denver Colorado. Chaplain of the Day- Fr Andre Y Sebastian Mahanna.


Invocation At The Colorado State Legislators Session of Tuesday April 12, 2016 @9:00 am In The State Capitol, Downtown Denver Colorado. 

Chaplain of the Day: Fr Andre Y Sebastian Mahanna. 


Sources of the Prayer: 

(NOT TO BE SAID: First Idea Inspired by-from: Pope Francis: “Evangelii Gaudium”:  “Taking the First Step: Being Involved And Supportive, Bearing Fruit and Rejoicing” )

(NOT TO BE SAID: Third Idea: Inspired by Archbishop Samuel Aquila, “Learning Hope From Mexico”

in Archbishop Column (Denver Catholic, Feb. 27- March 11, 2016) 

(NOT TO BE SAID:Fifth Idea: Fr Andre The Cry of the Poor and the Right to Hope in Freedom and Human Dignity, The Right to Be protected and to fair social justice)



Heavenly Father, In Your Name I bless and ask you to send your Holy Spirit of Love and Mercy, upon these honorable legislators here this morning, who stand in unity here and now, before you and us your unworthy servers, to condemn evil especially the evil that is occurring horrendously by abusing Your most gracious, good and all people-loving Name.


Today I am honored to be a representative of the Christian Church invited to not impose religious doctrine, but instead, to thank the legislators for their courage in naming the atrocities against Christians and other minorities in the Middle East by name: A Christian Genocide.

These are being recognized today as the front line- modern martyrs being murdered for their faith.

I pray thanking our legislators for standing here this morning, in order to show solidarity and to be a voice that echoes their cries. I thank you God for allowing us both Church and State to come together to be supportive and involved to take action against the heinous (Pro:Hay-nous) religious genocides in the Middle East.


We come to ask of You Almighty God, to bless the efforts of the legislators thanking them at this time as they are working hard to promote social justice and to show the humanity that is persecuted because of religion and race, and to impart God the Father’s Infinite Mercy.


We ask God of heaven and earth, to make us reckon the earth as the common home to all, by maturing the desires in peoples’ hearts to adhere to the sacred peace that comes to us from God.

            We Pray for the Legislators of our State by their support of this Bill, to be instruments of true hope for those who are persecuted for their faith, especially the Christians and other minorities of all religions in the Middle East. To honor the Christian presence there protecting them as a collaborating force of good, most necessary to lead others to full reconciliation and peace in a co-existence of diverse communities of  all who are called “the Children of Abraham.” 


May God protect the Christians and all other people in the Middle East who want to live in peacefully  the PLACE of Abraham. May God Bless us All. May God Bless our State of Colorado, May God Bless The Martyrs and God Bless America for officially recognizing this evil genocide.  Amen


See rest of photos here